Codes of conduct
The MUSOL Foundation has adopted both its own codes of conduct and those of third parties to regulate its internal and external behavior, adhering to voluntary standards that go beyond what is required by the applicable regulations. MUSOL has adopted the code of conduct from the Coordinadora de Organizaciones para el Desarrollo, available [here]. Additionally, MUSOL has developed and adopted the following documents:
Code of Good Governance and Protocol for Preventing Conflicts of Interest, Fraud, and Corruption.
Investment Policy, a self-regulation document outlining how MUSOL invests its resources.
Political Framework on Transparency in External Communication and Private Fundraising.
Conceptual Framework on Working with Partner Organizations.
Code of Conduct of the Coordinadora de ONGD.
Finally, in the “Transparency” section of this website, you can access information of interest about the Foundation, in accordance with the Transparency and Good Governance Tool of the “Coordinadora de Organizaciones para el Desarrollo” (Coordinadora of ONGs for Development).